Southend’s wonderful coastline should be accessible to everybody who works, visits or lives here.
We are a town of animal lovers and our pets are just as much part of the family as anybody else.
But under current rules dogs are banned from all of Southend’s beaches between May 1st and September 30th.
I do not believe these rules are fair on locals who want to enjoy the coastline with their dogs all year round.
Dog walking comes with a whole host of benefits. It increases a person's physical activity, helping improve both their physical and mental health.
Therefore, I am calling on Southend Borough Council to relax the current summer ban and permit dogs on part of the beach.
This will allow responsible owners and their dogs to enjoy walks along the beaches, but not impact on families enjoying a day out by the sea.
So, if like me you want to see Southend’s dog beach ban relaxed – please sign my petition below: