Last week we celebrated Parliament Week. One week in the year that we celebrate what is great about our democracy and our Parliament. This year is a particularly special one as we celebrate the 100 year anniversary of suffrage for women, and the achievements of women in Parliament ever since.
During this week the Houses of Parliament are always alive with activities celebrating the mother of parliaments and what it symbolises throughout the world, and I was fortunate enough to attend a few of these. However, the highlights of my Parliament week happened away from Parliament and in the constituency.
My week started with an event at South Essex College where I had the privilege to join them in their celebrations and was able to give a talk on how parliament works and how I work for the constituents of Rochford and Southend East in my role as a Member of Parliament. It was great to see the students engaging in the political system.
During this week Bournemouth Park Academy has been holding their mock elections to learn about Democracy and Parliament. I was honoured to play the role of returning officer and announce the winner and declare them Member of Parliament for Bournemouth Park Academy. It was wonderful to see how excited the children were to get involved in a democratic process and see the hard work they were putting in the campaign. They had performed a debate, designed posters, created policies and handed out leaflets. It was a great celebration of democracy and what parliament means. I would once again like to give a massive well done to the Tomorrow Party who won with a very tight majority. Well done to the Vision, Transform, and Progress parties for campaigning hard and keeping it such a close affair. I look forward to coming back again next year.
In the meantime, should you have any questions or concerns that I may be of assistance with as the Local Member of Parliament please do not hesitate to contact me wither by email at [email protected] or by phoning my office on 01702 616135.