James has received a letter from the Chief Executive of NHS South Essex with an update on the current status of the proposed changes to local pathology services. The text of the letter can be read below and an attachment with a more detailed overview of the proposed changes can be downloaded here.
Dear James,
Following previous correspondence regarding the recommended regional redesign of non-urgent pathology services, I want to update you on the current status and specifically the outcome of a meeting with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee that took place on 6 February at Southend-on-Sea Borough Council.
Dr Paul Husselbee, Accountable Officer for Southend Clinical Commissioning Group (COG) and I presented an update on the current proposals, see attached document for full presentation. The meeting was well attended and a significant number of questions were taken from both the Committee and a number of councillors on behalf of their constituents, I hope that as a consequence local residents feel more involved and informed.
It is fair to say, there is still considerable concern around the regional proposals and the Committee resolved to write to us formally with the resolutions that were made. There were two resolutions, the first with six parts.
The first resolution concerned CCGs in south Essex looking to further assure the Committee by:
- Clearly explaining the risks associated with the proposal and how they propose to deal with them
- Ensuring there is no reduction in quality of services to make the savings
- Ensuring savings are realistic and achievable
- Assuring the Committee of the low impact on Southend Hospital as a result of the proposal
- Ensuring that the preferred provider will be able to deliver the service to the right standard
- Ensure thorough assurance around the contingency arrangements that are put in place. The second resolution was that:
Southend Clinical Commissioning Group, must come back to the HOSC before any contract is signed by any of the Clinical Commissioning Groups in south Essex, who will all equally be deciding whether to progress with regional proposals.
You may have read in local press a recommendation to refer this matter to the Secretary of State, we have subsequently avoided the committee referring the matter so there was progress in continuing the dialogue.
We will now be working very closely with our regional colleagues at the NHS Midlands and East. with the proposed new provider of services, Southend Hospital. GP colleagues and importantly, the public to ensure suitable assurance is gained before COG Boards sign any contract. We will send you further updates where necessary. We hope to be in a position to more directly address the operational detail by the end of March.
I hope the above is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Pike Chief Executive, NHS South Essex