I would like to clarify that MPs did not vote against transferring Article 13 because we believe animals are not sentient beings but rather because our Law already has an Animal Welfare Act. Having two separate laws which address the same issue is confusing and counterproductive.
The law this country has which has received an A rating by World Animal Protection when other European Union countries received a much lower rating. Therefore I believe the existing UK legislation will not be weakened when we leave the European Union.
The Conservative Party, especially Michael Gove has done a great deal towards the UK taking the lead on animal rights and welfare. It is a great shame for him that this issue has been blown out of context.
Here are some of the great things Michael Gove and the Conservatives have done towards protecting animals:
-Increased the time someone can be imprisoned for for animal cruelty from 6 months to 5 years
-Animal slaughterhouses 'will have to install CCTV' to ensure animal welfare standards