It is important that every child is provided with a good education so that they all are given the start to life that allows them to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background. This is of course most important at a Primary School level where children learn the very basics of mathematics, reading and writing which will be fundamental throughout their whole academic career.
As a Member of Parliament, it is always a great feeling of pride in our area when I receive notification that a particular Primary School has improved or achieved something spectacular. Not only does it show that the hard work put in by teachers, staff and governors is paying off, but it also means that another child has been given a positive start to life that will help them achieve their potential. Recently, I received a letter from the Department of Education’s Regional School Commissioner congratulating the work of Porters Grange Primary School and Nursery on being rated as ‘Good’ during their recent Ofsted report. This is a clear testament of the hard work put in by the Head of School, Mr McClay and his team.
However, the good news about our local primary schools doesn’t stop there. The Key Stage 2 results for reading, writing and numeracy were recently released, and I was pleased to learn that every Primary school in my constituency of Rochford and Southend East saw an improvement in their results from the previous year. This is excellent news as it means more children in our area are leaving primary school equipped with the skills in numeracy and literacy that they need to succeed during their secondary school years and beyond.
Of course, there will always be more work to be done. But we should always welcome the achievements of our local schools who work incredibly hard to ensure that every child has a good education.
As always, should you or anyone you know have any questions or concerns that I may be of assistance with as your Member of Parliament please do not hesitate to contact me by email at [email protected].